
We are a Data & Analytics consulting boutique - we visualize and organize your data to give you new insights and faster decisions. We accompany you on your way to becoming a data-driven company and deliver solutions that number crunchers and creative minds alike understand.

What drives us

We share a passion for good design and a mission to make data accessible to everyone. We accompany our clients on their way to data-driven decisions.


What we promise

Our customers experience “aha” moments in the analysis of their data. This allows creative minds, technical experts and number crunchers to make data-driven decisions. Our Business Intelligence applications combine meaningful content with design and usability. We design these solutions and implement them – individually, innovatively and multi-award winning.

IBCS® Certified Provider

blueforte became IBCS® Certfied Provider in April 2012.

What we do

Our customers have many different concerns – that’s how we support them:

  • They define their BI strategy (anew) or are on their way to becoming a data-driven, digital company – we offer strategic consulting during planning/implementation and carry out audits.
  • You want to increase the user acceptance of your BI – we use UX tests to better understand misconceptions and obstacles in order to generate quick wins.
  • You want to modernize your reporting – we design your data according to the IBCS and make the content easily accessible to all users via an intuitive user interface.
  • You seek implementation competencies in backend and frontend – we are your extended workbench and provide you with experts for many different BI tools.
  • You are looking for a competent project manager – we accompany the project management of BI projects and speak “PMI” and “Agile” fluently.

What distinguishes us

  • We listen carefully and respond to customer needs and requirements, always with the overall project success in mind.
  • For us, the users always play the leading role – they determine the success of a BI project.
  • We love design – and can’t believe that today’s BI applications still feel like websites from the 90’s.

We work as

  • Therapist and Coach – to define collaboratively with you how to modernise your BI in a goal-oriented and efficient way.
  • Doctor – to prescribe you quick relief from headaches with your BI

Who advises you

Currently blueforte GmbH employs four IBCS® Certified Consultants. The certification is considered relevant proof of the professional and methodological expertise of a consultant on this hot topic.


Arne-Kristian Schulz

Arne is User Interface Designer & Head of Visual Business Analytics at blueforte GmbH, a consulting boutique for data & analytics solutions.

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Tobias Piecha

Tobias is Managing Consultant and Frontend Expert at blueforte GmbH, a consulting boutique for Data & Analytics solutions.

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Dirk U. Proff

As Founder & CEO of blueforte, Dirk is responsible for the areas strategy & innovation. He is a founding member of the IBCS Association.

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Tabea Knautz

Tabea works as an information designer and BI frontend developer at Blueforte GmbH, a consulting boutique for data & analytics solutions.

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Lisa Braun

Lisa is a Senior Consultant and Frontend Expert at Blueforte GmbH, a consulting boutique for data & analytics solutions.

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