General Assembly 2018
The General Assembly is the governing body of the IBCS Association. A General Assembly shall take place every year in the 2nd quarter. For practical purposes it is scheduled for the evening before the IBCS Annual Conference.
General Assembly on June 7, 2018
07:00 pm General Assembly
08:30 pm Get Together
One Moorgate Place
London, EC2R 6EA
United Kingdom
1 Welcome
Heinz Steiner, Secretary
2 Minutes of the General Assembly of June 1, 2017
Heinz Steiner, Secretary
3 President’s annual report
Rolf Hichert, President
4 Financial status per December 31, 2017 and report of the Auditors
Johannes von Mulert, Accountant and Holger Gerhards, Beat Honegger, Auditors
5 Election of Executive Board and Auditors
Jürgen Faisst, Managing Director
6 New topics and process for the next IBCS® version (see right column)
Jürgen Faisst, Managing Director
7 Miscellaneous
Heinz Steiner, Secretary
New topics for next IBCS® version
- Semantic notation concept for “more scenarios per scenario type”
- Aligning scenario notation of “previous periods” with titles
- Semantic notation concept for “measures”
- Semantic notation concept for “scales”
- Systematics of charts with two value axes
- Evaluation of other chart types such as pies, maps, radar charts, funnel charts, bullet graphs, sparklines, heat maps, tree maps
- Application of semantic notation: Which rules are mandatory, which optional?
- Although not part of the Standards we might want to add this topic, too: “Top ten things to avoid”
- Suggestions for more topics such as “more colors (e.g. in line charts)?”
- Forming of work groups for the development of suggestions
- Development of (alternative) suggestion(s) in work groups and publication on ibcs.com not later than Oct 30, 2018
- Public discussion on ibcs.com until Dec 31, 2018
- Revision in work groups and publication not later than Jan 31, 2019
- Public discussion on ibcs.com until Mar 31, 2019
- Revision in work groups together with Jürgen and publication of final suggestions not later than Apr 30, 2019
- Decision on the release of the next version of IBCS® at the General Assembly in June 2019