Erik Beekhuis
Erik has hold responsibilities in both BI & Analytics as well as Finance & Control and is available for (project-)assignments and permanent jobs in the Netherlands.
Erik Beekhuis holds both Bachelors and Masters of Science degrees in Business Economics, as well as an Executive Masters in Finance and Control degree (in Dutch: RC). He studied at both Haarlem Business School (bac) and at the free University of Amsterdam (Msc and EMFC).
Erik is a highly motivated and energetic professional that acquired his experiences of over 15 years in combinations of both BI & Analytics and Finance & Control roles and responsibilities. With these joint experiences he looks forward to get to know your “dreams and challenges” regarding BI & Analytics and/or Finance & Control. Examples with what he can help you out, include: ‘balanced‘ fact-based performance management, BI & Analytics, (Agile) projectmanagement, leadership and management, Implementationmanagement, ‘data-sensemaking’ and change management.
Erik’s vision:
- Supporting a company’s management teams is at the core of Finance & Control’s priorities and should be taken on with firm resolve, a clear shared agenda and an open mind for best practices application from relevant areas that Finance & Control professionals are unfortunately not yet commonly accustomed to. Business Intelligence & Analytics and Business Information communication being both examples of such relevant areas.
- Business Intelligence & Analytics (BI&A) can serve as the enabler for delivering strong and enduring improvements by positioning BI&A-professionals as the ‘linking-pins’ between a company’s IT- and the Business communities.
- Combining soundly applied Performance Management, appropriate usage of Business Intelligence & Analytics with an uniformly applied concept for all business communication will ultimately lead to the best results.
- “Things should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler” (quote by: Albert Einstein).
IBCS® Certified Consultant
Erik Beekhuis has successfully completed the IBCS® certification for successful design of reports and presentations at the IBCS Institute in July 2018.
Work samples
Both of my IBCS® sample versions were created with Microsoft® PowerPoint, without any IBCS® add-on software package being used.
Sample 1
Table with both month and YTD actual sales figures completed with absolute variances for three scenarios.
...and after Most important variance for current time-period is shown as an embedded absolute variance bar-chart signally signalling strongly where action should be taken.
Before... No priority is made explicitly ‘visible’ for the user: All variances were shown in the same numerical way…
Sample 2
PostNL’s UCOI and UCOI-margin figures as depicted in PostNL’s Annual Report 2016 on page 50.
UCOI is a special unique financial business result measure used (solely?) by PostNL. The acronym stands for: ‘Underlying Cash Operating Income’.
...and after E.g. using bar-charts with PY scenarios for all segments and PostNL visually communicates the underlying message unequivocally and easily.
Before... E.g. depicting PostNL’s UCOI figures (including one negative amount!) with usage of a set of twin pie charts is possibly the best way to make all our stakeholders do all the work in deriving the enclosed messages themselves.