Tabea Knautz
Tabea works as an information designer and BI frontend developer at Blueforte GmbH, a consulting boutique for data & analytics solutions.
As a Management Consultant in the People Driven Analytics division, Tabea supports companies in designing interactive and intuitive reporting solutions. In the conception phase, the individual needs of the users are taken into account and mapped in the form of prototypes, depending on the BI infrastructure already in place.
Her goal: Digital sovereignty for every user.
In addition, Tabea works as a frontend developer in particular with the SAP Analytics Cloud (Application Designer), but also with other tools such as Longview Analytics or Tableau.

IBCS® Certified Consultant
Tabea Knautz has successfully completed the IBCS® certification for successful design of reports and presentations at the IBCS Institute in December 2021.
Work samples
The first work sample shows a dashboard concept that was created for a retail company. The company has stationary and online shops, and this dashboard focuses on stationary retail.
The second work sample was developed using SAP Analytics Cloud (Application Designer) and shows a concept for interactive dashboard design.

Work sample 1 - picure 1 Sales per company is the most important information for the report recipient. Various metrics affect sales results, so these are also presented for root cause analysis: Visitors, Purchases, Points of Sale, Conversion Rate (Purchases/Visitors) and ØPurchase (Sales/Purchases). The user can also interactively operate the report and, for example, filter the entire report page by the desired sales area by clicking on the bar chart.
Work sample 1 - picure 2 This view shows an exemplary filtering on the sales area 'City'.
Work sample 2 - picure 1 The visual analysis shows revenue and contribution margin by business unit (Geschäftsfelder) and CoI's. In the current view, the data refers to Jan - Oct 2021 and shows a reference comparison to the budget of the same period. The user has several options to interactively control the analysis. In the upper area there are various filters and functions for the time reference and the number format. The charts are also assigned a color notation. A blue frame means that the corresponding diagram can be used as a visual filter. A gray frame means that the user can drill down one analysis level here.
Work sample 2 - picure 2 In this report, the view has been changed from YTD to monthly, so that the data refers only to October 2021 (∆BUD).
Work sample 2 - picure 3 A blue frame means that the corresponding chart can be used as a visual filter. In this case, the entire report page has been filtered by Geschäftsfeld 1. Visual filter charts are themselves exempt from filtering, so the filters can be changed at any time.
Work sample 2 - picure 4 A gray frame means that the user has the option to drill down one analysis level here.
Work sample 2 - picure 5 When drilling to a deeper level, a popup with further analysis options appears.