Oliver Gricksch
Oliver Gricksch is Senior Consultant in the competence center “Enterprise Reporting” at b.telligent. b.telligent is a consulting company which specializes in the introduction and further development of business intelligence, customer relationship management, DWH and big data solutions at companies in mass markets.
Oliver Gricksch is Senior Consultant with focus on Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing and consults several industries regarding the topics Reporting, Data Warehouse development and SAP BusinessObjects since eight years. Oliver Gricksch has gained expierience in requirements engeneering, solution conceps, agile/classic development and project management as well as developer, trainer and coach for SAP BusinessObjects.

IBCS® Certified Consultant
Oliver Gricksch has successfully completed the IBCS® certification for successful design of reports and presentations at the IBCS Institute in July 2019.
Work samples
The examples refer to a fictitious sales organization, that distributes contracts for fictitious products. Therfor sales agents are on duty in the four regions north/east/south and west and receive bonus payments based on activated contracts.

This statistic serves the sales agents in each region (and the hierarchy levels above) to monitor their past and prospective bonus payments based on the measure “number of contract activations”.
This report is based on the same scenario as the first work sample and serves top managers with insights regarding sales performance in 2017 compared to plan and the previous year. Additionally the december performance is inspected more precisely based on the top producs.