Felix Winterling
Felix Winterling works as BI Consultant at Bystronic Laser AG in Niederönz (Schweiz). Bystronic is a globally leading technology company in the area of sheet metal processing.
After his apprenticeship as a banker, Felix Winterling graduated as an industrial engineer at the University of Karlsruhe (TH). He has almost ten years of experience in consulting and managing operational and strategic projects in the transportation sector in Switzerland, Italy, and Spain. Since 2018 he has been developing planning and performance management solutions in Jedox as a CPM consultant. His focus is on the development and implementation of KPIs, as well as the architecture, design and development of reports, dashboards, and cockpits.

IBCS® Certified Consultant
Felix Winterling has successfully completed the IBCS® certification for successful design of reports and presentations at the IBCS Institute in May 2018.
Work samples
After attending the Certification Course Felix has provided the following work samples:

Activities to increase quality (before) On this page of a report of the Safety & Quality department of the Swiss Federal Railways the status of three supporting activities to increase the delivered quality is shown.
Activities to increase quality (after) More transparency through condensed information, simplified and clearer layout as well as the application of a message.
Safety performance This monthly dashboard shows the key performance indicators of the safety performance of the Swiss Federal Railways.