Florim Mjekiqi

Florim Mjekiqi works as Business Intelligence Consultant at HighCoordination GmbH, a service provider for Analytics with his own, platform-independent and IBCS®-certified software trueChart.


Florim Mjekiqi has been working as a Business Intelligence Consultant since 2015. Previously, he had completed his dual studies in Business Informatics from 2012-2015.

His current activity includes advising customers in the BI environment as well as the technical implementation of these BI projects. In doing so, he has built up a solid and profound know-how in the Microsoft BI and Cubeware Reporting environment. In his projects, he places special focus on customer requirements. The project and the communication are presented to the customer in a transparent and open manner, so that all process steps are coordinated together and logical comprehensible. The analytical and structured way of working completes the project completely.

IBCS® Certified Consultant

Florim Mjekiqi has successfully completed the IBCS® certification for successful design of reports and presentations at the HICHERT+FAISST IBCS Institute in May 2018.