July 2, 2021
Make sure you don’t miss the General Assembly of the IBCS Association on the evening before the conference.

1:00 pm CEST
Welcome and house-keeping
Johannes von Mulert, IBCS Association
1:10 pm CEST
Expectations and the reality of dashboards
Rolf Hichert, IBCS Association
1:30 pm CEST
What executives expect from reports and dashboards
Video statements of Senior Managers at German Military, Intel, Minera San Cristobal, REWE and more
Olaf Lischke, VP Corporate Controlling, Bayer
Discussion with Rolf Hichert, IBCS Association
2:00 pm CEST | Coffee break
2:15 pm CEST
How to get the end-users aboard of the digital transformation?
Pieter Jan de Vries, Product Owner Managed Dashboarding, KPN Telecom
Wilco Nagtzaam, FP&A Controller B2B, KPN Telecom
Discussion with Jürgen Faisst, IBCS Institute
2:35 pm CEST
How software can help close the gap
Anoovendhan Subramanian, VisualBI
Michael Fritz, Hi-Chart
Gary Crawford, XLCubed
Discussion with Jürgen Faisst, IBCS Institute
3:30 pm CEST | Gym break
Let’s stretch together with Markus Waldraff from Fitness Private.
3:45 pm CEST
Cultural acceptance of IBCS
Brian Kalish, Kalish Consulting, United States
David Brown, dbrown Consulting, Nigeria
Manuel H. Ramirez, Solution Consulting, Colombia
Valentin Usenkov, usenkov.pro, Russia
Moderation: Dietmar Pascher, Controller Akademie, Germany
4:15 pm CEST
Engaging the next generation of business professionals
A brief history of IBCS (presented to the next generation by Rolf Hichert, IBCS Association)
Academic teachers:
Dr. Elżbieta Marszalec, University of Oulu and Technical Research Centre of Finland
Xavier Subirats Alcoverro, Universitat Pompeu Fabra/Barcelona School of Management and ESCSET-Tecnocampus , Spain
Dr. Michael Schelkle, Lecturer at the University of Augsburg, Germany
Moderation: Edyta Szarska, IBCS Institute
4:30 pm CEST
IBCS Version 1.2 – What’s next?
Jürgen Faisst, IBCS Institute
4:45 pm CEST
Closing discussion and farewell
Johannes von Mulert, IBCS Association
5:00 pm CEST | Apéro